Friday, July 25, 2008

Close My Eyes, Let The Whole Thing Pass Me By

It's been over a year since I've used this blog, wow. Well, Stephen got one, so I decided to use mine again. What could it hurt?

Well. Since my last post, I've gone into remission, and have hair again. Yay. I also have an amazing boyfriend, Randy. He is my world. I love him more than anything, really. Just sayin'.

I'm trying to make this a daily blog. Doubt it'll work because I can never keep up these kinds of things. But hey.

Today overall kinda sucked. I don't do anything, like, ever. I felt like absolute shit. Not physically, but mentally. I was just drained. I didn't even want to THINK about leaving my room. It just... sucked. Randy was kinda able to talk me out of it, he can always make me feel better. [I give him so much credit for being able to put up with my shit. Honestly.]

I also think I may have PTSD. Apparently, it's very common amongst young adults with cancer. And it would totally explain my crazy mood swings, constant self-loathing and anxiety of doing anything remotely fun and/or social.

Now playing: Trapt - Echo
via FoxyTunes


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